Rapid Assessment
KeyPerform is focused on integrated enterprise performance improvement through the rapid performance assessment of the organization, its processes, and its systems. It results in a focused means to design, develop, and deploy high performance solutions.
KeyPerform uses a toolkit of technology, people, and process. It offers tailored designs to mission needs and requirements; uses an agile, iterative approach to design and value delivery; and deploys a maturity model that starts with the highest performance issue and matches available budget / funds, then scales up in maturity levels to “standard,” and then “advanced.”
KeyPerform uses a library of management and performance assessment tools / techniques such as lean, six sigma, agile, scrum, kanban, balanced scorecard, and root cause analysis.
Our delivery teams consist of industry SMEs, information process engineers, and information management technology specialists (e.g., design architects, development engineers).
KeyLogic uses a seven-step performance assessment and solutions methodology with integrated lean and agile project management principles and a unique integrated team of specialists:
- Understand
- Baseline – lean principles
- Analyze – lean principles
- Design – asynchronous methodology (agile principles)
- Execute – performance best practices
- Evaluate – success criteria best practices
- Feedback – continuous improvement best practices

KeyPerform leads to improvements at the Department of Labor
KeyPerform enabled us to improve the Department of Labor’s Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) processes. In the support of the DOL OCIO’s Control Reviews of IT investments, we advanced the process from one that was …
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KeyLogic offers low risk affordable performance solutions, covering mission process efficiency (business, management & operations), organizational optimization, and the latest information management technology.